Monday, 30 May 2016

The Secret to beating Procrastination

Right amount of time, physical space, equipment, optimal lighting and temperature....

Do you find yourself finding any excuse to stop you from doing the task in front of you?

Do you think you work best under pressure (or maybe that’s all you know?)

Are you taking care of everything else you’ve been putting off, so technically, (but ironically) productively procrastinating?

Many of us convince ourselves that tomorrow will come and we will do it then. Whether you’re putting it off because you’d rather do something less mentally or physically demanding,  you’re just not interested, or something more ‘urgent’ is stealing your time, we’ve all experienced procrastination.

There are simple and practical ‘secrets’ that will help you overcome these productivity sapping habits.

#1 Focus on the success you will achieve and the sense of accomplishment you will attain once you have completed the task in front of you.

#2 Be completely honest about what is distracting you. Figure out what the main culprits of your procrastination actually are. You can’t resist checking your phone every five minutes.  Yes, believe it or not! ,

#3 Break it down. With more manageable projects, you’ll be able to track your progress as you go, giving yourself a boost of motivation each time you tick a box.

#4 Consequences (and rewards). Are you are making a coffee then realising you’ve done nothing since the last coffee you made? Trial working on a reward and consequence basis, and make sure what
you set yourself is  something you’re likely to enforce.

The Force is strong in you, however to make this known to potential employers, check out our advice to make sure you match with the jobs you want!

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